You can sign up to attend a broadcast of the videos and patterns and check it out for a full 48 hours to make sure it's right for you. No need to enter any credit card information. Simply enter your email, and you'll be directed to a page where you can watch ALL the videos and patterns.
I REALLY stand behind the classes and patterns we put together. I LOVE making special experiences for you. And I'm also always connecting with my community to see how we can make the classes and patterns better and better.
If you've never tried a class from us before, give it a try. I think you're really going to love it. It's a great way to learn new skills and have fun in the process.
And if you have tried a class from us before, welcome back :)
There are two great ways you can get enrolled. If you're feeling excited to dive right into the class and have unlimited access to all the videos, patterns and plenty of bonuses you can get enrolled right now.
Or if you're not sure if this is right for you and you want to attend a free broadcast of the classes and patterns for 2 days you can do that too.
We want you to go with whatever feels right for you and we REALLY look forward to having you experience one of our classes.